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How To Fake Pandemics In 4 Easy Steps

By Tim Brown

We have referred to COVID-19 as the CONvid-1984 and a plandemic due to the fact that the people that released an attack on much of the world’s population planned all of it for many years.  It was not a surprise.  It was a plan.  So, how do they pull off something like this on a global scale?

Glad you asked because Sasha Latypova has an answer.

Who here still believes covid was a real viral pandemic? Or even an epidemic? Welcome! We don’t judge! Actually we do – you are an idiot if after 4 years of this charade you still believe that was an epidemic. The data is clear that there was none, US Government/Trump announced “public health emergency” based on about 40 cases in China without any significant evidence of real illness or economic impact. State governors announced public health emergencies based on nothing. In Ohio it was 3 cases of covid that became the basis for shutting down the entire state. This is because declarations of public health emergency, by law, require no evidence that an emergency exists. Opinion of one unelected bureaucrat is all that’s needed.

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