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How to Make Journalism Less Trustworthy—in One Problematically Easy Lesson

By J. Peder Zane

Journalism is on a suicide mission.

As America’s mistrust of media lies near all-time lows, my profession’s powers-that-be are doubling down on the partisan, activist reporting that has poisoned our business and the nation’s politics. In a sign of how out of touch these industry bigwigs are with objective reality, they are doing it all in the name of restoring trust.

The latest sign of this dangerous trend is a new report, “Beyond Objectivity: Producing trustworthy news in today’s newsrooms.” Written by two prominent journalists now teaching at Arizona State University – former Washington Post Executive Editor Leonard Downie Jr. and former CBS News President Andrew Heyward – it is drawn from more than 75 interviews with “a variety of news leaders, journalists, and other experts.”

Those sources – including leaders at The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, and ProPublica to name a few — are influential. There is, however, precious little “variety” among them. I counted only one interview subject from an identifiably conservative organization.

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