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How to Make Your Own Antiperspirant at Home

By The Organic Beauty Expert

In an increasingly contaminated world, more and more people are ditching off-the-shelf deodorants packed with unsavory ingredients, and replacing them with more natural and green alternatives.

It’s actually incredibly easy to learn how to make your own antiperspirant at home, using a few simple ingredients and therefore keeping your body free of both sweat and the dangers of chemicals seeping into your body and causing long-term problems.

Everybody sweats and it’s impossible to stop that, and if you sweat, then eventually you smell. That’s why we apply deodorant, but many of us are starting to realize that part of that deal doesn’t have to be unhealthy.

So let’s look at what you can use to create an all natural antiperspirant, that is free of chemicals, cheap to make and highly effective, and why a little effort could make a big difference to both your wallet and your skin. 

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