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How to Prepare for COVID (and How Not To)

How to Prepare for COVID (and How Not To)
How to Prepare for COVID (and How Not To)

By Robert Jones

As I write this, both my wife and I have COVID. My wife came down with COVID symptoms approximately two weeks ago. My symptoms started approximately a week ago. Our diagnoses were confirmed at a local clinic.

Both my wife and I are unvaccinated. This is because we believed that we would inevitably catch COVID, and we wanted to prepare in the best way possible for that eventuality rather than rely upon an endless series of COVID “vaccines” with limited effectiveness and unknown side effects. Also, we wanted to live the remainder of our lives not in fear of catching COVID, but with natural immunity to that disease.

The purpose of this article is to discuss — from a layperson’s perspective — how we prepared for COVID and what we could have done better in that regard.


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