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Elon Musk: Biden Is Trying to Silence ‘Outspoken Critics of the Government’

By David Hawkins

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has accused Democrat President Joe Biden of attempting to silence him and others who are “outspoken critics of the government.”

Musk has fired back at Biden’s administration, accusing the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of harassment in a calculated effort to “chill” his right to free speech.

Musk, who has revolutionized three industries and created tens of thousands of American jobs, has frequently been snubbed by Biden.

In a new court filing, Musk’s lawyer wrote: “[T]he SEC has broken its promises,” and has been  “weaponizing the consent decree by using it to try to muzzle and harass Mr. Musk and Tesla.”

“The SEC seems to be targeting Mr. Musk and Tesla for unrelenting investigation largely because Mr. Musk remains an outspoken critic of the government,” Alex Spiro, a lawyer for Musk and Tesla, said…

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