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HUGE! Judge Emmet Sullivan CANCELS General Flynn Hearing Set for Next Week Following Explosive Comprehensive Briefing by Attorney Sidney Powell

Federal Judge Emmet Sullivan cancelled the General Flynn hearing set for next week following a comprehensive briefing by Attorney Sidney Powell.

General Michael Flynn’s Attorney Sidney Powell released a number of pages of information that are totally damning to Obama’s Deep State actors and villains. We know that the 302 was doctored by Lisa Page per prior notes from Powell and now we know that the 302 was doctored by adding an entire question and answer of the General that was later used to criminally indict him.

In addition, Powell’s filing with the court released late last week shows that Obama’s former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper was involved in leaking the General’s discussion with Russian Kislyak before President Trump’s 2017 Inauguration!

On Monday Federal Judge Emmet Sullivan cancelled next week’s Flynn hearing.

The Gateway Pundit

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