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Human Smuggling Is Big Business For AZ State Official

Paul Petersen, Maricopa County Assessor in Arizona, is facing a 32-count indictment alleging conspiracy, theft, forgery, and fraudulent adoption practices – including the sale of a child. The lifelong Arizona Republican has brokered adoptions for 15 years as part of his law office services. Not that 32 counts in Arizona isn’t bad enough, Petersen is also in hot water with the state of Utah for housing at least 40 pregnant women smuggled from the Marshall Islands for US adoptions.

Petersen is a licensed adoption attorney in Arizona, Utah, and Arkansas – however, it appears that defrauding Arizona’s Medicaid, by falsely claiming the women were Arizona residents, prompted a look-see by local officials. And then there is the pact between the United States and the Marshall Islands, which prohibits Marshallese residents from traveling to the US for purposes of adoption.


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