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I am going through all of the Epstein files and highlighting the important information. Here are my findings on the first 300 pages I went through today.

Link to the file for all the citations provided: – Combined pdf

Page 10

– more women then just Maxwell who got girls for Epstein is claimed.

– Maxwell ‘primary co-conspirator’.

– Maxwell and Epstein converted Giuffre into a sex slave

– Maxwell appreciated immunity from earlier case.

– Maxwell took photos

– Giuffre was trafficked to “powerful individuals” including internationally by Maxwell and Eptein.

– Forced to have sex with prince Andrew in Maxwell’s apartment. Maxwell acted as a ‘madam’ for Epstein.

– Giuffre was forced to watch other underaged girls have sex with Epstein, Maxwell and others.

One Comment

  1. Linda Linda August 16, 2019

    Foreign bad actors’ assets. Seized.

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