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‘I Will Stand For Truth Even If I Stand Alone’: Christians Arrested For Reading The Bible Aloud At Drag Event

By David Fiorazo


While drag queens performed and twerked for children, four Christians were arrested in Wisconsin last week, one of them for simply reading the Bible on a public sidewalk. It happened during a drag queen event called Pride in the Park where children were being sexualized.

Marcus Schroeder was arrested for standing on a public sidewalk while reading the Bible out loud, and the video has gone viral.

Understand this was not in some communist country led by a dictator or under a totalitarian regime where free speech is censored. Or was it?

It happened in Watertown, Wisconsin USA where police seem to believe it’s against the law to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, but it’s okay for adult men dressed as women to flaunt their sexuality and gyrate to entertain young children…


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