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ICE Won’t Honor Detainer on Illegal Alien Rapist in FL, So He’s Walking Free

Matt Vespa
By Matt Vespa

We’re in the middle of a ghastly game of whack-a-mole with illegal alien crime. These thugs are beating and shooting police officers, raping women, and beating them to death. The Laken Riley case in Georgia has captured national media attention, along with the heinous spin liberals are chucking out there to divert attention away from illegal immigrant crime. Riley’s killer, Jose Ibarra, an illegal alien from Venezuela, entered the US in 2022 and was arrested twice before he committed this brutal homicide. In Washington, DC, an illegal alien is responsible for the shooting death of a two-year-old.

These tragedies were preventable, but current federal policy under Biden has immigration enforcement officers working with both hands tied behind their backs. Then, there are these cases where it’s ICE who won’t take violent illegal aliens accused of brutal crimes. There has been a breakdown in cooperation with ICE on detainers for illegals, especially in New York City. Still, this story out of Florida deals with a man, Juan Jose-Sebastian, 26, who was busted for driving without a license. It turns out he’s wanted on rape charges in Washington.


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