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ICYMI: Leftist Loons Are Actually Asking ‘Is Criticizing Joe Biden a Danger to Democracy?’

By Rebecca Downs


While it may seem typical for the left to be full of loons serving as writers to publish loony pieces, every now and then there’s one piece in particular worth highlighting. Recently, Jason Linkins, who is actually a deputy editor at The New Republic, wrote “Is Criticizing Joe Biden a Danger to Democracy?” It first appeared in Power Mad, a weekly newsletter for the outlet before being published on the site.

Unfortunately, this kind of dangerous and obsessive devotion to a Democrat isn’t exactly new. Linkins himself makes reference to Dana Milbank’s column for The Washington Post from December 3, which delusionally claimed that “The media treats Biden as badly as — or worse than — Trump. Here’s proof.” As I discussed in my VIP piece about it, that “proof” amounted to 200,000 articles from 65 news websites that were too mean to Biden for Milbank’s liking.


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