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If Elected, Kamala Harris Wouldn’t Change a Thing About Biden’s Border Policy

By Sarah Arnold 


The crisis at the southern border will go down as one of the worst things the U.S. has seen under President Joe Biden’s term. 

Despite tens of millions of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. and innocent Americans being killed by criminal illegal aliens, Vice President Kamala Harris indicated she wouldn’t change a thing if elected. This is the first indication that the border crisis will continually get worse if new leadership (former President Donald Trump) doesn’t step in. 

During an interview with CBS News, Harris’s campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, suggested the presumptive Democratic nominee would keep Biden’s aggressive partial ban on asylum claims, which he enacted in June. This ban allowed him to suspend asylum requests at the U.S.-Mexico border when daily unauthorized crossings reached a threshold of 2,500 immigrants.

“I think at this point, you know, the policies that are, you know, having a real impact on ensuring that we have security and order at our border are policies that will continue,” Chávez Rodríguez said. 

Despite tasking Harris as the “border czar” to combat the influx of illegal immigrants crossing the border, at least 17 million illegal aliens have entered the U.S.  

Chávez Rodríguez blamed Trump for the border crisis, claiming he handed Biden an already overrun border and accused his efforts of trying to kill a bipartisan Senate border deal proposed earlier this year. 

“As a result of Donald Trump saying that he didn’t want Republicans to pass it, it failed,” she said. “And we know we need to bring forward solutions, while Donald Trump continues to play politics with this issue. We know at the end of the day the only way to really modernize our immigration system and secure our border is for Congress to pass common-sense immigration legislation.” 

When asked how Harris would tackle the ongoing issue at the border, Chávez Rodríguez claimed the vice president would focus on “real solutions.” …


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