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If They Want To Win, Republicans Must Beat Democrats At Their Own Game

By Scott Morefield 


If you’ve ever been to a Donald Trump rally, you know what I’m talking about. The excitement, the electricity, the palpable energy in the crowd. It’s almost like a much-anticipated music concert, only with political speeches instead of singing. Some might think that would make it less entertaining, but if you agree with what’s being said that’s not the case at all. As speaker after speaker builds momentum and the ultimate headliner comes on to uproarious standing applause, it’s hard not to look around at everyone around you, the tens of thousands of red or blue-clad ordinary Americans, and imagine anyone, anywhere NOT supporting the subject of all this staunch devotion.

Such rallies have taken place hundreds of times all across America since 2015. Trump’s supporters, including myself, would often point to them as proof that the former president’s voters were super-duper motivated to turn out at the polls on election day. While Democrats campaigned from basements and their supporters locked down and hid for years behind their face diapers, conservatives were living life and getting ready to reward their president with a second term.

Except, that’s not what happened at all, even though Trump did win more votes than any other GOP candidate in history. Turns out, perpetually masked Covidians afraid of their own shadows do vote, or at least they can be convinced to turn in their mail-in ballots to Democratic operatives for delivery to the nearest polling place. You can cry cheating, and many, including Trump, did ad nauseam, but you can’t argue with the effectiveness of the strategy. Use Covid as an excuse to send a mail-in ballot to EVERY voter, then make sure as many ballots as possible that are returned survive any challenges and are counted. You don’t need hacked voting machines to ensure victory if you do that, because we know who is most likely to commit shenanigans on those things during the God knows how many points of contact they have before they are actually in official – even honest official – hands.


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