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Illegal Gun Dealer Sentenced to Probation

By Tom Knighton

If you want to be a firearms dealer, you need to get an FFL. For now, at least, you can sell a few guns here and there without one, but you can’t really sell a bunch without running into trouble.

In fact, a buddy of mine once reached out because he was concerned his own sales might raise red flags for the ATF, all because the rules are fairly arbitrary.

But there has got to be a point where someone isn’t just selling the odd gun and is instead focused on selling guns without a license.

No, I don’t think anyone should need one, myself, but the law is the law, and a guy in Missouri broke the ever-loving hell out of it.

A 69-year-old St. Charles County man who pled guilty to illegally selling guns throughout Missouri was sentenced to probation yesterday — despite selling approximately 250 guns illegally and continuing to sell them even after the ATF sent him a letter telling him to cut it out.

Thirty of the firearms sold by Harry Trueblood wound up at crime scenes, prosecutors say, including homicides, suicides and other shootings. In one of Trueblood’s gun sales, a man who had recently been civilly committed was turned away from two gun stores before he connected with Trueblood, who sold him a weapon.

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