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‘I’m sold!’ Liz Cheney inadvertently endorses JD Vance with dire warning

By Kevin Haggerty 


In what may prove to be the strongest endorsement for the Trump-Vance ticket, citizen Liz Cheney sounded off with all the impact of an incumbent who’d lost her own primary.

Like graveyard humor, after the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, suggestions that his running mate selection was “insurance” were received as both comical and macabre. Either way, for those on the fence about the GOP leader’s pick for a possible successor, riling the right RINOs was effective at frustrating Democrats.

As such, Never Trumper former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney (R) counted herself among the first crop of Vance Derangement Syndrome sufferers as she harkened back to a previous post decrying freshman Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance that she’d made on Feb. 5, 2024.

“Yesterday,” the post read in reaction to the senator’s appearance on ABC News, “@JDVance1 claimed that Trump could defy rulings of the Supreme Court as President. Vance also admitted he would have done what VP Pence refused to do on January 6th–help Trump illegally seize power. That’s tyranny. Neither Trump nor Vance is fit to serve.”

Tuesday morning, she captioned that take to reiterate, “JD Vance has pledged he would do what Mike Pence wouldn’t — overturn an election and illegally seize power. He says the president can ignore the rulings of our courts. He would capitulate to Russia and sacrifice the freedom of our allies in Ukraine. The Trump GOP is no longer the party of Lincoln, Reagan or the Constitution.”

Meanwhile, her own doubling down on derangement lagged behind the trend as Libs of TikTok creator Chaya Raichik recirculated the post hours earlier as “one of the best endorsements” the vice presidential nominee could receive.

“Liz Cheney hating you is one of the best endorsements. IM SOLD!” asserted the social media maven as followers echoed the sentiment…


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