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In Belarus, training began on the transfer of troops from peacetime to wartime

In Belarus, training began on the transfer of troops from peacetime to wartime
In Belarus, training began on the transfer of troops from peacetime to wartime

By Topwar

The Republic of Belarus continues to test the readiness of the country’s armed forces to withstand external threats, previously identified more than once by President Lukashenko.

В telegram The Belarusian Ministry of Defense reports that the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus have started training on the transfer of troops from peacetime to wartime.

The above measures provide for bringing the army and all power structures of the country to a state of highest combat readiness.

The main purpose of such training is to test the ability of the troops to perform their tasks in an organized and timely manner. Also in such cases, mobilization measures to assess the mobilization reserve are not excluded.

It is worth noting that the above-mentioned maneuvers are carried out in conjunction with other activities. So, literally at the beginning of this month, exercises started in the Republic of Belarus, within the framework of which the economy of Mogilev will be transferred to a “military footing”…

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