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IN MEMORY OF ASHLI: Killed in Capitol Hill and Forgotten! US have to Defend Iranian Rioters & Cop-Killers…

by Fabio G. C. Carisio

Where is real justice?

In the democratic US where a cop can kill without consequence an Air Force veteran who make the mistake to enter in Capitol Hill, exactly a year ago, to protest agains an evident fraud election for White House?

Or a rioter man who muredered two policemen during the Iran unrest but he wasnt’s killed at the istant. He face to a trial and then was sentecncet to death penalty by hanging?

These are the sad story of Ashli Babbit, 35, Air Force veteran with the only “sin” to be a fervent supporter of the loosing candidate to presidential election. And the tragic end of at the Iranian Majidreza Rahnavard 23 yo…

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