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In Norway, making “negative” comments about transgenders inside your own home could land you in prison

By Ethan Huff

Trannies all across Scandinavia are cheering after the Norwegian parliament outlawed “hate speech” against LGBTQs, threatening up to a year in prison for anyone who says mean things about the rainbow beings when inside their own homes.

Expanding upon a 1981 penal code that gives special rights to homosexuals, the new rules in Norway prohibit even private remarks from being made against the trans. Violations could result in fines and up to a year in jail, reports indicate.

Making public comments against the trans is an even worse violation that could result in an up to three-year prison sentence, we have learned.

“I’m very relieved actually, because (not everyone approving of transgenderism) has been an eyesore for trans people for many, many years,” stated Birna Rorslett, vice president of Norway’s Association of Transgender People.

One of the most far-left countries in Europe, Norway already heavily catered to trannies even before this. Since 2016, those wanting to “change genders” in Norway are allowed to do so even without a medical diagnosis.

Granting special treatment to trannies is so popular among Norwegian politicians that they passed the new rules without even voting on them, enacting them automatically (somehow) following a second read on the parliament floor.

According to Monica Maeland, Norway’s Minister of Justice and Public Security, trans people are “an exposed group when it comes to discrimination, harassment, and violence.”

“It is imperative that the protection against discrimination offered by the criminal legislation is adapted to the practical situations that arise,” Maeland added in an emailed statement to the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

More related news about LGBTQs can be found at

Non-LGBTQs are second class citizens in Norway

Verbiage in existing “discrimination” laws is now amended to read “sexual orientation” rather than “homosexual orientation,” the former being more “inclusive” of LGBTQs who identify as something other than homosexual.

Under the same new penal code, people charged with violent crimes can also receive harsher prison sentences if a judge decides that their actions were motivated by a person’s sexual orientation or “gender identity.”

Opponents of the new rules tried to argue that they overrule the free speech rights of Norwegians, who can no longer speak freely on their own property without fear of retribution.

The only glimmer of good news is that the bar for prosecution is high, requiring that those accused of committing an associated “hate crime” be shown to have engaged in direct incitement against an LGBTQ in a “dehumanizing” manner.

“There are a lot of very hateful things you can say about the protected groups,” says Anine Keirulf, an assistant professor of law at the University of Oslo.

Commenting on the news, several Newsvoice commenters noted that almost nothing is more hypocritical than policing the private speech of individuals while claiming to be a liberal “anti-fascist.”

“Imagine the mental gymnastics required to call yourself a liberal while throwing people in prison for a year for privately expressed thoughts,” one of them wrote. “I guess by the same pretzel logic North Korea is the most liberal country in the world for sadistic labor camp guards.”

“This is a gross violation of the human rights of those in Norway, hopefully challenged to the full extent of the law,” wrote another. “The law says incitement to violence, which I fully agree with, but also language that ‘dehumanizes’ will be made illegal. What does dehumanize mean?”

As we noted in an article from earlier this year, major fast-food chains like McDonald’s and Burger King are also catering to the trans. Perhaps the gender-bending chemicals in their “food” is helping to create more of them?

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