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‘Inappropriate content’: Pennsylvania AG tells kids ‘to avert their eyes’ when MyPillow’s Mike Lindell is on TV

By BPR Wire

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro tweeted that he and his wife told their children “to avert their eyes” when MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell appeared on TV.

“That awful My Pillow guy just came on while our family is watching the Sixers game together,” Shapiro tweeted Wednesday.

“Lori and I yelled at the TV and told the kids to avert their eyes because there was inappropriate content on the screen,” Shapiro tweeted.

The MyPillow CEO is an outspoken supporter of President Donald Trump, and championed the president in an interview with former Daily Caller video columnist Stephanie Hamill. Lindell talked about what was happening with the economy then and what it’s implications were for business owners like himself.

Lindell has been open about his previous substance abuse and previously told the Daily Caller News Foundation that he hires people who have recovered from substance abuse addiction. The CEO told the DCNF that around 10 to 20% of his staff have “had struggles.”

Lindell also described his personal struggles with addiction during his interview with Hamill. He talked about his phone call with Trump before the 2016 election.

Shapiro’s office and his campaign didn’t immediately respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.

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  1. Paul S Smith Paul S Smith December 18, 2020

    Screw you shapiro. Lindell is a far better role model for your kids than you are!

  2. 13cbrennan 13cbrennan December 19, 2020

    He probably told them to “avert their eyes” and that it was “inappropriate content” because Mike Lindell is Christian and wears a cross on a necklace. It shows in many of his photos. My guess is that Shapiro is proudly anti-Christian. All his left-wing diversity loving friends will applaud him.

    They can’t want for the round ups, can they?

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