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Increasing Number Of People Are Freezing Themselves In Cryogenic Pods To Cheat Death, Touted As ‘Ambulance To The Future’

by Jacob M. Thompson


An increasing number of individuals are turning to a new practice of being frozen alive with cryotherapy, in hopes that they can circumvent death and being laid in the dirt.

Metro.UK did a full piece into this growing concept, interviewing and investigating a cryogenic center in Michigan that stores these corpses in icy graves, some of them being there for a number of decades, believing that someday mankind would eventually unlock the key to reanimate their bodies thereby cheat death.

The following is by Metro (excerpts):

Suspended in a deep freeze, the growing number of ‘patients’ at the world’s biggest cryo-preservation facilities are taking a dice roll at another life. Some have been there for nearly 50 years. Despite the current odds being vanishingly small, they represent an increasing number of people opting for an indefinite existence at -196C after their legal deaths.

The sleek white vats that stand in rows at the Cryonics Institute (CI) storage facilities in Michigan represent an increasing number of bodies, body parts and pets from around the world – all opting for an indefinite existence at -196°C after their legal deaths.

Frozen in liquid nitrogen, they await possible future technological advances to revive them. Among those ‘living in this ‘living’ in this arctic limbo are chefs, students, secretaries and professors. And it turns out that Brits are the most keen takers outside the US.

CI president Dennis Kowalksi tells that he regards the centres as a place of ‘awe and responsibility’. But it’s more of a waiting game than a place worthy of a sci-fi imagining…


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