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Insane (And Hilarious) Brawl Breaks Out In Bath & Body Works Over Social Distancing (Video)

By Mark Van der Veen

A brawl broke out at a Bath & Body Works in Arizona, where the employees of all people are the ones who stepped in … and proceeded to whoop on a woman.

Two customers started fighting over social distancing—they were too close to each other. It escalated when employees tried to intervene.

According to one bystander, it went down like this:

“IT ALL STARTED BECAUSE… white lady was standing too close to another customer (not shown) & they started arguing. BBW employees tried to de-escalate but the white lady wouldn’t leave so that’s where the video picks up.”
We got hair pulling, hand throwing, signs falling, managers diving into the pile trying to pull women apart, not a security guard in sight… just glorious, glorious chaos right there in the store.

What an absolute doozie of a brawl.

Now I have to admit, out of all the places in the entire shopping mall for a brawl to break out, I would’ve been pretty low on Bath & Body Works. I mean, soap and candles? How are you gonna drop the gloves sniffing that Cucumber Melon?


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