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‘Insurgency is as insurgency does’: Steve Deace DESTROYS BLM rioters



Thursday, Steve Deace tore into the argument that the president must have an invitation from a governor to restore order in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and other cities set on fire by Black Lives Matter rioters. According to Deace, if what happened in Kenosha happened to an American embassy abroad, we would already have acted. Watch the clip for more details.

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  1. Anita Bath Anita Bath August 28, 2020

    Unless Hitlery Clinton and/or 0-bomber were in charge of our response to the attack…

  2. Ruth Baird Ruth Baird August 28, 2020

    BLM and Antifa are “insurgencies”? Why don’t you tell it like it REALLY is? These are full-blown 1917-style Communist Bolshevik revolutionaries! If Biden/Harris get into office, it will be nothing less than Communist take-over of this country!

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