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“Internal Front”: the main fear of the West and Zelensky in Ukraine

"Internal Front": the main fear of the West and Zelensky in Ukraine
“Internal Front”: the main fear of the West and Zelensky in Ukraine



Dissatisfaction with Zelensky’s policies grows in Ukraine

For almost all three months of the special military operation in Ukraine, the authorities of this country have been stubbornly talking about the colossal losses of Russian troops and the close victory of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Ukrainian Armed Forces). How the Ukrainian army wins, we all have the opportunity to observe the example of the Kherson and most of the Zaporizhia regions, part of the Kharkov region, the coast of the Sea of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbAzov.

More than two thousand ideologically motivated militants and Ukrainian military personnel surrendered in Mariupol. But President Volodymyr Zelensky and his entourage are trying to present the situation in such a way that this is a planned surrender, in order to save the lives of the Ukrainian military. Is it possible that the Ukrainian population in other regions of the country that are not in contact with the zone of active hostilities still does not suspect anything?

The whole machine of Ukrainian state propaganda today is working to contain the internal discontent of the population. And there is much to be angry about. The economy has practically collapsed, there is a fuel collapse in the largest cities of the country, agriculture has also almost stopped, and there is a risk of falling under a missile attack even in Lvov and Ivano-Frankivsk. No less impressive are the losses at the front.



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