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Interview: Rob From The Proud Boys On What Really Happened In Kalamazoo, MI - ความจริงที่น่าสะพรึงกลัวที่ The Burning Truth

After the fight in Kalamazoo, MI between the Proud Boys, Antifa, BLM, and others got widespread attention (including with local news outlets here) I noticed the same old lies about the Proud Boys were in all of the reporting, none of the outlets bothered to interview Proud Boys members while they reached out to the other side, and the videos clearly showed the Proud Boys were the victims and were only defending themselves. They were attacked from behind, with weapons, several times.

My audience has had some questions about the group for a while. Rob came on to tell everyone who they are, what they stand for, dispel some myths, and tell us what really happened in Kalamazoo, MI.

#ProudBoys #News #Conservative

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