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Iran: Phoenix from the Ashes

By Top War


When it seemed that collapse was inevitable…

Let’s continue what we started in the article “Why didn’t the US remove Khomeini” conversation dedicated to relations between Washington and Tehran during the Iran-Iraq war. In this material, however, we will deviate somewhat from the topic and touch upon the restoration by the Islamic Republic of its military-economic potential.

After the revolution, the Iranian army lost about 40% of its officer corps: purges, emigration.

Those who remained, with the exception of the ayatollah’s staunch supporters, were at a loss from uncertainty about the future.

Yesterday, Khomeini’s entourage did not have much confidence in the stronghold of the Shah’s power, having formed a parallel paramilitary structure – the IRGC.

Revolution and fleet

The mentioned losses in all branches of the military were not of the same nature. For example, unlike the Air Force, the Navy was less affected.

Not least of all, the Navy retained personnel due to the patronage of Rear Admiral Ahmad Madani, the first Minister of Defense of the Islamic Republic.

In addition: officers and especially non-commissioned officers of the Navy en masse accepted the revolution, largely due to the principle of recruitment that existed under the Shah, which affected all levels of society…


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