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Iranian authorities reported the arrest of an American tanker in the Persian Gulf and the confiscation of oil on board

By Topwar

It became known that Iranian military sailors detained a US-owned oil tanker. The Iranian press reports that the American tanker was arrested today on the basis of a warrant issued by an Iranian court.

Tehran reports that such actions were a retaliatory measure against the United States due to the fact that the American authorities had previously imposed sanctions that blocked the import of medicines into Iran. The Iranian press writes that Iranian citizens in need of emergency treatment have filed a class action lawsuit against the United States in the international body of the Iranian court. Guided by this situation, in which the import of medicines by sea for Iran is significantly blocked, the court decided on asymmetric actions. These actions resulted in the seizure of a tanker worth tens of millions of dollars.

We are talking about the tanker Advantage Sweet, which was arrested in the waters of the Persian Gulf. There was a cargo of hydrocarbons on board the tanker. According to the Iranian side, oil from this tanker will be confiscated.

Earlier, the foreign press reported that Iran would receive enough highly enriched uranium to create a nuclear bomb in 1-2 weeks.

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