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Iran’s Only Nuclear Power Plant Undergoes “Emergency Shutdown”

Iran's Only Nuclear Power Plant Undergoes "Emergency Shutdown"
Iran’s Only Nuclear Power Plant Undergoes “Emergency Shutdown”

By Tyler Durden 

Multiple reports indicate Iran’s only nuclear power plant has “undergone a temporary emergency shutdown,” according to AP’s Jon Gambrell, citing local reports via state television.

Gambrell tweeted, “an official from the state electric energy company said on a talk show that the Bushehr plant shutdown began on Saturday and would last for three to four days.” 

There was no immediate word on why the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant, located 10.5 miles southeast of the city of Bushehr, was shut down.

He added, “This is the first time Iran has reported an emergency shutdown of the plant. It went online in 2011 with help from Russia. Tehran previously warned sanctions barred it from getting parts for the plant.”

The official from the state electric energy company, which goes by the name of Gholamali Rakhshanimehr, said power outages could materialize due to the plant’s shutdown. 

According to Saudi-Arabia-based media outlet Al Arabiya, “In March, nuclear official Mahmoud Jafari said the plant could stop working since Iran cannot procure parts and equipment for it from Russia due to banking sanctions imposed by the US in 2018.”

The shuttering of the plant comes as Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett called on the West to “wake up” to the threat of Iran as discussions continue to revive the country’s nuclear program deal.

Bennett said Iran’s “regime of brutal hangmen” wants to procure nuclear bombs, which Iran frequently denies.

*This story is developing, and the reasons why the plant was shut down have yet to be released. 


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