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Ireland Sees Rising COVID Cases and Deaths Despite Highest Vaccine Uptake

By Andrew Davies

For the second month running Ireland has been ranked top in Bloomberg’s Covid Resilience Ranking of the world’s 53 biggest economies. Its report claims the Republic is now reopening after vaccinating more than 90 percent of its adult population.

Alongside its praise for the Emerald Isles, the Bloomberg report includes a cautionary, even contradictory note: “With daily cases currently at their highest level since January, Ireland’s continued success will depend on widespread vaccination severing the link between easing curbs and virus spread.” Here it is referring to the need for a nationwide booster jab programme.

But how can a country with one of the highest vaccination rates in the world currently be facing a resurgence of COVID cases and deaths?

So far around 7.3 million vaccine doses have been administered. The very first vaccination was given to 79-year old Annie Lynch on Dec. 29, 2020, and one month later 2 percent of the population had been vaccinated. It took until July for 50 percent of its adult population to have been fully vaccinated…


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