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Is America Prepared for a COVID-20 Virus?

Charlotte, N.C. — It has been one year since the new coronavirus (COVID-19) was first identified in Wuhan, China. As the U.S. begins to enter into the year, 2021 is this the last we have seen of the coronavirus?

Will We See a COVID-20?

In December, Americans started receiving the long-anticipated COVID-19 vaccine, which was developed and implemented in record time (less than nine months). However, with vital vaccine research still unknown, what will America’s response be if another novel virus crosses our country’s borders?

There is no doubt that China is the originator of the world’s deadliest and seasonal viral infections each year. According to Dr. Colin Russell and Professor Derek Smith of the University of Cambridge, Asia, specifically, China, is the source of most influenza viruses. Each year, influenza circles the globe, and according to The World Health Organization estimates, annual influenza epidemics result in about 3-5 million cases of severe illness and about 250,000 to 500,000 deaths.

Since March 2020, America has seen itself plagued not just by the virus but liberal political policies that have left millions out-of-work and out-of-luck. Across the country, the year 2020 has decimated lives and the future of families alike.

One would hope now that the whole world has had its first experience fighting this coronavirus, we should be better prepared to deal with it if it returns. However, if the COVID-19 vaccine fails to fight against future or mutated variants of the virus, will America find itself back in time? Even more, will our against be forced to shut down under liberal stay-at-home orders — could our country even survive such a scenario?

In nine months, our nation has endured a novel virus, racial demonstrations and destruction, near-record unemployment, massive additions to our national debt, and liberal political policies that have pinned families against each other and led to the thievery of our federal election.

The United States has overcome past obstacles, from war to financial ruin; our nation always seems to come out on top. But what about next time?

America is deeply divided — in fact, our population seems to be opposites in our country’s direction. Somehow, our nation’s people have allowed a virus with a 1.7 percent mortality rate to dismantle our republic. Sheepish and radical socialistic thought has taken hold of our nation’s consciousness — our people act on fear rather than facts.

I’m afraid our nation and its leaders have learned nothing from the coronavirus. Instead, we have acted on anxiety and funneled fear deep and wide across America. Our country has allowed something one-billionth of humans’ size to control our everyday lives and enable the socialist-Democrats to strip away our everyday freedoms that we may never get back.

COVID has killed and taken more than just lives; it has forever changed our country. For our nation’s sake and sanity, we better pray and prepare for another battle with COVID. It or something similar may just be on the horizon — how will we react when it does?

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