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Is Israel Really The Best American Investment?


President Biden keeps repeating throughout his long political career his famous mantra “Israel is the best investment we ever made … Were there not an Israel, the USA would have to invent an Israel to protect her interest in the region.” He stressed to a gathering of Zionist Jewish leaders in 2013 in Washington, DC. “The truth is that Jewish heritage, Jewish culture, Jewish values are such an essential part of who we are, that it’s fair to say that Jewish heritage is American heritage.” He also keeps regurgitating that “you don’t have to be a Jew to become a Zionist, I am a Zionist.”

He keeps stressing that “… there is no apology to be made for our support for Israel. It is the best $3 billion {actually $3.8 billion a year} investment we make … would there be no Israel the US would have to invent an Israel to protect its interest in the region … The second part people would have to understand by now, that should be crystal clear, that Israel is the single greatest strength America has in the Middle East, I always say to my friends imagine our circumstances in the world where there is no Israel, how many battle ships would there be, how many troops would be stationed {in the Middle East} … The security of Israel and the US is inextricably tied, and we will never ever …ever abandon Israel out of our own self-interest.”

Biden is not the only American politician who blindly and unconditionally support Israel. Let’s look at other American officials. Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who is facing accusations of corruption receiving bribes from foreign countries (Arab Countries) for providing them sensitive US Government information and acting as a foreign agent but is spared of similar charges when acting as Israel’s foreign agent. Menendez is the highest supporter for Israeli genocide against Gaza Palestinians. In his speech on the senate floor he stated:

“…every single one of us in this chamber has a moral responsibility to speak out unequivocally and unapologetically, as we stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel and her people.  I have been strongly devoted to this cause for 31 years in Congress. Why? Because the bond between our nations is sacrosanct. In 1948 US was the first nation to recognize Israel 11 minutes after it declared its independence. Our two nations, intrinsically linked, were founded on similar principles … justice, equal rights, freedom of religion, and the respect of the rule of law …US is strong when Israel is strong … Israelis deserve to live in their land of ancestors going back to times of Abrahm and Sara … Israel has the right to defend herself from existential threats.”

Other congressmen also support unconditional arming of Israel. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnel supported Biden’s $14 billion as a first payment emergency assistance to Israel and stating that it is “totally unnecessary” for Israel to abide by US standards regarding conditions for military aid emphasizing that the US does not apply the law to Israel as it does to other countries. He stated: “Our relationship with Israel is the closest national security relationship we have with any country in the world, and to condition our assistance to Israel to their meeting our standards it seems to me is totally unnecessary … this is a democracy, a great ally of ours, and I do not think we need to condition the support that hopefully we will give to Israel very soon.”

After his October visit to Israel Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer denounced Americans’ protests against Israeli genocide against Gaza children and demanding a ceasefire. Ignoring the suffering of families of thousands of Palestinian prisoners and hostages -women and children- in Israeli jails, many kidnapped during last three months, and the Gaza open air concentration camp besieged by Israel, Schumer said: “I wish protesters could have listened to the 12 families we had, whose relatives were taken hostage … I wish those who think Israel is wrong would just listen to these parents and the anguish they face through a brutal, brutal Hamas.” He also stressed that he’d work to ensure that Israel has “everything they need to totally eliminate Hamas.”

Congressman Steny H. Hoyer, Democrat Maryland, in a speech to the Congress stated: “Mr. speaker we must provide Israel with the resources it needs to protect itself and Israelis, a mission that I absolutely support, and we must do it NOW.”

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) delivered a speech on the Senate floor calling for the US to provide Israel with full military and diplomatic support to eradicate Iranian-backed Hamas for as long as it takes, repeating and stressing the phrase “as long as it takes.” Following Israel’s denigration of Palestinians -as well as Arabs- as human animals Cruz said: “This fight is barbarism against civilization, good versus evil. The differences between the two sides are as stark as darkness and light…


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