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Islam’s Sexual Fantasies of European Women Come True?

By Raymond Ibrahim


It seems that the sexually lurid fantasies of Tarek bin Zayid, a renowned jihadist who spearheaded the conquest of Spain in the eighth century, have finally been fulfilled.

When Tarek and thousands of other North African Muslim marauders first landed on the southernmost tip of Spain in A.D. 711, Tarek sought to further entice the men, who were already lusting after booty and plunder, by citing the women of Spain, who were supposedly waiting to welcome the Muslims with open arms.  They “are awaiting your arrival,” Tarek insisted, “reclining on soft couches in the sumptuous palaces of crowned lords and princes.”

These European women were, moreover, “as beautiful as houris,” said the jihadist leader.  (In Islam, houris are supernatural sex slaves — “big-bosomed” and “wide-eyed,” says the Koran [56:22, 78:33]) — created for the express purpose of pleasuring Allah’s favorites in perpetuity.)

Of course, the only things to greet the Muslim invaders were Christian swords.  Eventually, however, the Muslims conquered Spain, and women “as beautiful as houris” they got — but only by force, enslavement, and rape…


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