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Israel Issues Ultimatum to Hamas: Release Hostages or Suffer the Consequences

By Jeff Charles


In a bold declaration that could have a significant impact on the war in Gaza, Israel has issued a stern ultimatum to Hamas: Release the hostages or spend Ramadan dodging Israeli rockets. This development comes as the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are working to rescue hostages taken during Hamas’ October 7 surprise attack on Israel.

The ultimatum was issued by Benny Gantz, a member of Israel’s war cabinet on Sunday.

“The world must know, and Hamas leaders must know — if by Ramadan our hostages are not home, the fighting will continue everywhere, to include the Rafah area,” Gantz said.

The holy Muslim month of Ramadan begins this year on March 10.

“We will do so in a coordinated manner, facilitating the evacuation of civilians in dialogue with our American and Egyptian partners to minimize civilian casualties,” the former IDF chief of staff and defense minister told the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, as they convened in Jerusalem.

“To those saying the price [of an offensive] is too high, I say this very clearly: Hamas has a choice — they can surrender, release the hostages, and the citizens of Gaza will be able to celebrate the holy holiday of Ramadan,” he said.

Gantz’s declaration was made during a conference in Jerusalem and was attended by several influential Jewish organizations from America. Rafah is one of the remaining strongholds for Hamas, as it tried to fend off Israel’s onslaught.

The Biden administration, along with other global leaders, have cautioned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu against proceeding with the offensive without a “credible and executable plan” to ensure the safety of civilians. However, the prime minister has pushed back on those trying to convince him to go easier on the terrorist organization.

Rafah, which sits on the Gaza-Egypt border, is the last remaining Hamas stronghold in the enclave, but it is also where over a million displaced Palestinians have fled to seek shelter from fighting elsewhere.

US President Joe Biden has warned Netanyahu that a military incursion “should not proceed without a credible and executable plan for ensuring the safety of and support” of the city’s civilian population. Similar warnings have been issued by many of Israel’s Western allies…


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