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It is time to remind Congress who is in charge

By Jared Dyson

Charlotte, NC — As the mainstream media celebrated their prize of the coronavirus aid, conservatives across the country realized there were significant issues with the “coronavirus package” as it was dubbed. The package was more than just a $900 billion package that addressed coronavirus issues. Instead, it was a massive spending bill full of pork and ridiculousness.

The bill was filled with free money, help for countless pet projects, and financing of international programs that do nothing to benefit America. Yes, the project did little to help Americans who are struggling amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky) was one of the more vocal in his viral speech on the Senate floor. He was quick to call out Republicans for their claims of conservatism while supporting socialist policies and spending like this bill represented.

Congressional representatives on both sides of the aisle are to blame for this spending atrocity. Rather than addressing the issues in America, they are throwing countless dollars aside into programs and spending which is not needed. They claim that this is to help suffering Americans.

Except Americans are not suffering out of their own decisions. Or are they? Americans continue to elect politicians that are more interested in their own careers and fortunes than they are those who they claim to represent.

The House and Senate are both filled with politicians that are chasing their career dreams of greed and power. Forcing Americans into suffering, all the while making excuses for how they are helping. If this spending package is the type of help that they want to provide, we do not need it.

These politicians are under the impression that they are the elite of America. They believe that they rule the world and that they rule everything in their lives. That’s not how the system was designed to work.

Article 1 of the Constitution outlines the makeup of Congress with the design being that to represent the will of the people that elected the person. Are we really to believe that the American people would support $10 million for gender studies in Pakistan? Or perhaps to believe that we want to send millions of dollars to Columbia and Mexico?

I highly doubt that the majority of Americans support these types of foreign aid packages. Especially if you consider the argument of the Democrats who say that we have millions struggling in poverty in the United States. Are we saying to these that those foreign countries are more important?

The issue all boils down to these elitist “representatives” who believe they rule the world. Congress has forgotten who is really in charge.

Over the past few elections, Americans have tried to give politicians a wake-up call, specifically conservatives. We have experienced the tea party, Donald Trump, the Republican congressional majority, and now again a gain in seats in Congress for Republicans.

The problem is time and again Congress fails to get the message. A prime example is Mitch McConnell, who was all about the mission of conservatism until he no longer was concerned about reelection. He quickly abandoned his conservative principles and negotiated a spending plan far above what he considered “the limit” before the election.

As Americans, it is time for us to remind Congress who is really in charge. While they may enjoy their lavish lifestyles and penthouses in DC, Americans are the ones dealing with the garbage that they create every day.

We are straddled with a mounting national debt that needs to be addressed. We are being crippled by ridiculous spending and legislation that are focused on anything but American interests. All the while, they enjoy a nice steak dinner in DC.

They spend more than they make. They waste more than they benefit. If this were a company, each of these politicians would have already been fired.

It’s time to take notes and send these politicians packing. Democrats and Republicans alike. We the people are in charge and it is time to do what President Trump suggested. It’s time to clean out the swamp.

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