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Italy Strips Some Gay Couples of Parental Recognition

Georgia Meloni’s government moves to restrict same-sex parenthood as its champions traditional values

By Margherita Stancati Photographs by Francesca Volpi for The Wall Street Journal


ROME—Michela Leidi became a mother last summer when her wife gave birth to their daughter Giulia. The couple was swept up in the joyful, sleepless whirlwind of early parenthood.

This month, a local court ordered Ms. Leidi’s name to be erased from Giulia’s birth certificate on the grounds that her inclusion was “contrary to public order.” The ruling, which left the baby with only one legal parent, her biological mother, was a headline-generating surprise in Italy but is part of a growing trend of moves against same-sex parents by Italy’s courts and government.

“I cried all my tears,” said Ms. Leidi, a 38-year-old education worker from Bergamo in northern Italy. “I never missed a scan, from the moment she was conceived to the moment she was born. Yet it’s as though I don’t exist,” she said. She is now trying to adopt Giulia, a tortuous path in Italy.

Italian law doesn’t specify whether same-sex couples should both be recognized as parents. Parental recognition on birth certificates has largely been left up to mayors. Although decisions could vary locally, many same-sex parents have gained recognition since 2016, when Italy legalized gay civil unions…


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