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‘It’s not funny, they’re destroying this country’: Pirro rebukes Gutfeld’s lofty migrant ‘replacement theory’

By  Kevin Haggerty 


An exchange between Fox News cohosts Jeanine Pirro and Greg Gutfeld grew tense on Tuesday’s edition of “The Five” when a lighthearted take on “replacement theory” was passionately rebuked.

Under the watch of President Joe Biden’s administration, the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border has only worsened. As such, some county officials in southern Texas made clear that they had had enough and urged Gov. Greg Abbott (R) and the Department of Homeland Security to recognize the invasion for what it was.

Seemingly debating from different angles on the same side of the argument, Gutfeld steered the conversation into triggering Pirro by considering the benefits of legal immigration by aliens who genuinely wish to be a part of American society. “True, it may just be for a paycheck,” he said, “but that’s often just to start.”



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