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It’s not that the world is getting worse, it’s that we are finally seeing more of what they hid from us before



I’m waiting for Planet X
 Astronomers discover three previously unknown moons hiding in Solar System

While filming the 2004 movie ‘The Passion Of Christ’ the actor playing Jesus, Jim Caviezel, was struck by lightning. He actually was hit twice and Mel Gibson too

Security system companies selling customer data.  What a surprise
 Avast ordered to stop selling browsing data from its browsing privacy apps

The bloody gang is in Kiev
 More blood to come
 ‘More than ever we stand firmly by Ukraine. Financially, economically, militarily, morally. Until the country is finally free

Three top-tier X-class solar flares launched off the sun between Wednesday and Thursday. The first two occurred seven hours apart, coming in at X1.9 and X1.6 magnitude respectively. The third, the most powerful of the current 11-year “solar cycle,” ranked an impressive X6.3
 What it means (for WP)

I hope they are not in our waters yet


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