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It’s Science: Petting Dogs Is Good for You


A new study shows what dog lovers have known all along: petting dogs isn’t just nice for the dog—it’s good for you, too.

Scientists being scientists, they had to headline today’s best story with this buzzkill of a buzzword salad: “Psychophysiological and emotional effects of human–Dog interactions by activity type: An electroencephalogram study.”

I’m curious why Dog is capitalized but human isn’t. Maybe these guys like Dogs as much as I do. Or maybe the AP Stylebook considers Dogs to be a marginalized group worthy of capitalization, like “Black” but not “White.” Also, I had to look up “electroencephalogram,” and I’m okay getting my skull all wired up for one if there are Dogs involved.

So what the scientists did was take a group of 30 adult humans between the ages of about 20 and 35 and give them Dogs to play with. But scientists being scientists, there was a bit more to it than that.

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