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It’s Time For Americans To Rescue U.S. Cities From Greedy Leftists’ Crime-Infested, Drug-Riddled Chokehold



Urban areas need to use upcoming elections to force out the hypocritical politicians whose policies are ruining the nation.

If the last two years have taught us anything it’s that progressive policies are ruining U.S. megalopolises and it’s time for Americans to take back the nation’s cities.

Urban hubs once hailed as beacons for American innovation have morphed into drug-crazed, crime-filled, dirty, sad, and expensive cities run by woke politicians that are just getting worse. Thanks to progressive policies, criminals guilty of violent and dangerous crimes are back on the streets instead of behind bars, drug addicts are incentivized with smoking kits and designated shoot-up areaschildren are regularly indoctrinated and still forcibly masked in schools, essential police are let go, and rent prices are rising.



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