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IT’S TIME FOR TRUMP TO CONFISCATE THE VOTING MACHINES! The Results of the Fraudulent Election Will Never Stand and Americans Know It

By Steven Ahle

The courts will not win the day for President Trump in his efforts to expose the massive voter fraud that cost him the election because the courts refuse to even hear the evidence before they dismiss the cases.

That leaves the president with no alternative but to confiscate every Dominion Voting Systems machine in the country and to have them audited.

So far, every machine that has been audited shows that they are indeed set up to fail in Joe Biden’s favor.

There is little chance that many more of them will show the same thing.

He could then force the courts to hear the case.

Something the cowards on the bench have been unwilling to do so far. If they are forced to hear the case on its merits, it’s all over.

General Michael Flynn: Number one, President Trump won on the 3rd of November. The things he needs to do right now is he needs to appoint a special counsel immediately. He needs to seize all these Dominion and these other voting machines we have across the country.

He needs to go ahead and prioritize by state and probably by county. Fulton County, Maricopa County for example. Exactly what they did up in Antrim County in Michigan they discovered.

I think if he looks at probably a couple of these random sampling of some of these counties he’s going to find exactly the same problem. 

These machines are CLEARLY, clearly, there is a foreign influence that is tied to this system and it goes back to China, it likely goes to Russia. It likely goes to Iran… So he’s got a couple of options he can take and he needs to take them. He needs to take them right away.


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