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J.D. Vance DOMINATES in Ohio Senate Debate Against Radical Left-Wing Congressman Tim Ryan


I wasn’t sure what to expect in the debate between Democrat Rep. Tim Ryan and political newcomer J.D. Vance in the campaign for the open Senate seat in Ohio. Ryan, who has been in Congress for nearly 20 years, has decades of debates under his belt, so I wondered if Vance would be able to keep up. I needn’t have worried. Not only was Vance well prepared for the debate, but he landed blow after blow after blow against Ryan, portraying him as an out-of-touch liberal who takes his marching order from the radical left—at the expense of his constituents in the state’s Rust Belt. Ryan was stiff and angry and focused on personal attacks—always a sign of a candidate who believes he’s losing.

The debate, which was hosted by Fox 8 in Cleveland, included questions about hot-button issues roiling the nation, including abortion, immigration, border security, and the fentanyl epidemic. The moderators asked Vance about the claim by his opponent that he was a Silicon Valley “vulture capitalist” who is out of touch with the needs of ordinary Ohioans…

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