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Jake Tapper Blows Whistle on Private Meeting Democrat Governors Held About Joe Biden



In a lot of ways, it feels like we’re witnessing the unraveling of the Biden campaign. The campaign is clearly in chaos right now, and for some reason, the White House thought that rolling Biden out of bed at 7:45 p.m. and giving him a spray tan so he could speak for all of four minutes would somehow solve their problems.

It didn’t, and the concern of Democrats about the future of Biden’s campaign isn’t going away. Now the Biden campaign has another problem to deal with.

Jake Tapper reported on X that Democratic governors recently held a private call expressing concerns about President Biden’s handling of current issues. The call, which Gov. Tim Walz (D-Minn.) organized, included only Democratic governors without any staff or representatives from the Biden campaign or the White House present.

During this real-life Council of Elrond, the governors discussed their surprise at not hearing directly from Biden and expressed a desire for communication from him or his administration. They are seeking a meeting with Biden either at the White House or via Zoom, though nothing has been scheduled yet. The governors emphasized their need to hear directly from Biden amid growing concerns…


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