By American Liberty Report
If you are one of the billions of people who was either tricked or coerced into taking one of the mRNA COVID shots from Pfizer or Moderna, you might want to sit down as you read this. Many people will probably read this and dismiss it as a conspiracy theory because they won’t be able to wrap their minds around the horror of it.
Japanese scientists have discovered ultra-microscopic “things” in the COVID shots when they put them under 400X magnification. We call them “things” because we don’t really know what else to call them. The scientists call them “entities.”
The Japanese scientists’ findings were just published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research. Their study is titled, “Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructs in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study.”
The discovery of these “entities” by scientists at Okinawa Christian University can only be described as an unauthorized, undisclosed, and illegal ingredient that Pfizer and Moderna both included in their COVID shots—without telling public health regulatory agencies like the FDA.
We haven’t even heard of technology that is capable of what these “things” do, so the fact that rival companies Pfizer and Moderna both used them in their shots suggests a coordinated effort from globalists who outrank Big Pharma.
The scientists isolated unused vials of COVID shots for three weeks and then put them under 400X magnification. They observed little bits just sitting there not doing anything. At a microscopic level that high, these “things” just look like bits of inert junk—possible mRNA or DNA fragments that are part of the shots’ ingredients.
When they energized the shots, however, to mimic what it would be like when the injections encounter the human nervous system, these “things” started moving around.
It’s sort of like the old Boris Karloff movie where Dr. Frankenstein screams, “It’s ALIVE!”
“Alive” isn’t quite the correct technical term for whatever these things are. They do mimic some of the conditions of biological life, however. They don’t seem to reproduce, but they can move around, act together in a coordinated fashion, and they have a purpose inside the human body that is activated by nerve signals…
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