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JD Rucker on Gen. McInerney being Q, John B. Wells being awesome, and Big Tech being nasty

Two Mikes
By Two Mikes

Every now and then, we like to cross-promote the various shows on Freedom First Network. It gives us the opportunity to really break down what it is that we’re doing as we all take different approaches to making America great again through conservative talk and perspectives. Today, JD Rucker from the NOQ Report joined The Two Mikes to discuss a plethora of questions.

Every now and then, we like to cross-promote the various shows on Freedom First Network. It gives us the opportunity to really break down what it is that we’re doing as we all take different approaches to making America great again through conservative talk and perspectives. Today, JD Rucker from the NOQ Report joined The Two Mikes to discuss a plethora of questions.

Is Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney the infamous “Q” from QAnon? What’s the best part about being interviewed by John B. Wells? Why does Big Tech suck? We answered these and a dozen other questions on the latest episode of The Two Mikes.

JD Rucker joined one of the Two Mikes, Col. Mike, to offer a smorgasbord of topics. It’s part of the popularity of our various shows to sometimes take a broad approach to our discussions. Sometimes we have on specialists who are supposed to give their perspectives on a single topic, but other times we branch out and talk about the bigger picture. This show was the latter.

For the record, Gen. McInerney is not “Q,” but that hasn’t stopped many on the left from accusing him and General Michael Flynn of being him. The silliness from the left, especially as it pertains to Q and President Trump, knows no bounds.

One of the most important aspects of the network is that we’re like-minded. That doesn’t mean everyone on all of the shows agree with each other 100% of the time, but we’re all American patriots who believe in limited government and the need for our freedoms to be preserved from the onslaught of authoritarians who incessantly pop up, especially among Democrats. We all have our different preferences but it’s good to go on each other’s shows from time to time to discuss topics internally.

At some point, people are going to start wondering if Dr. Michael Sheuer and JD Rucker are the same person. Every time JD goes on The Two Mikes, Dr. Scheuer is conspicuously missing. Hmm.

Watch the show on Rumble or Locals or listen on Apple Podcasts.

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