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‘Jeopardy!’ champion Winston Nguyen arrested in front of his students as elite NYC school probes him over explicit photos: sources

By Joe Marino and Katherine Donlevy


An ex-con and math teacher at an elite Brooklyn private school who was once a contestant on “Jeopardy!” was arrested last week as part of an investigation into sexualized images being spread across social media, sources said.

Convicted thief Winston Nguyen — who served time in Rikers for stealing $300,000 from an elderly couple — was arrested at St. Ann’s School in Brooklyn Heights last Thursday in front of a crowd of students.

Nguyen wasn’t charged but is being investigated by the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office, sources confirmed to The Post.

Winston Nguyen was arrested in front of a crowd of students at St. Ann’s School in Brooklyn.Erik Thomas/NY Post

He was released Saturday.

“We are awaiting a decision from the Brooklyn DAs office regarding charges against Mr Nguyen,” his lawyer, Frank Rothman, told The Post in an email.

A spokeswoman for Saint Ann’s — where high school tuition costs more than $60,000 per year — confirmed to the Daily Beast, which first reported on the story, that Winston “is a suspect in an ongoing investigation related to the dissemination of intimate images via social media.”

“Upon his arrest on Thursday he was immediately placed on leave by the school and he remains on leave,” the spokesperson noted.

The day of Nguyen’s arrest, Saint Ann’s Head of School Kenyatte Reid notified parents that the middle- and high-school mathematics educator had been arrested over an investigation that “dates back to January 2024.”

Reid did not reveal what the investigation involved until days later, when he told parents in a follow-up email that it related to “inappropriate sexualized images” and that Nguyen was barred from contacting anyone in the school community and from visiting the school, the Daily Beast reported.

Nguyen has been teaching at St. Ann’s School since 2020 — just one year after he was sprung from Rikers Island.Helayne Seidman

“This incident is very disturbing to all of us,” Reid wrote “We pride ourselves on our amazing faculty and a learning environment rooted in trust…


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