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Jewish Ideologue Ben Shapiro: Producer of Porn Generation in Russia


Ben Shapiro, following in the footsteps of his intellectual predecessor Irving Kristol, continues to engage with the Jewish revolutionary spirit.

In his book Porn Generation, Ben Shapiro condemns Hollywood for selling sex to young and naïve teenagers. He writes: “Hollywood has embraced the graphic elements of pornography, [and] the moral relativism behind these themes has become an implicit message in nearly every major mass-market films. For films targeted at youth, these messages are often explicit.”[1]

Shapiro’s support for Pussy Riot, a Trotskyite group that eventually produced pornography at the Moscow Zoological Museum,[2] raises intriguing questions. Why would Shapiro suggest that the Pussy Riot was acting in line with the principles of democracy and freedom? And why would he wholeheartedly endorse the band’s explicit actions in a sacred place like a cathedral? From the perspective of the “Right” vs. “Left” political spectrum in America, Shapiro’s position appears intellectually inexplicable, as he identifies as a conservative. To grasp the underlying metaphysical issues, one must look beyond mere political categories.[3]

Let us briefly acknowledge that Shapiro, following in the footsteps of his intellectual predecessor Irving Kristol, continues to engage with the Jewish revolutionary spirit. To comprehensively grasp this spirit, we must briefly discuss the subversive ideology embraced by the Pussy Riot.

The Moscow-based newspaper, The eXile, which its co-editor John Dolan humorously noted was “conceived in sin,” reported that members of the group engaged in an act they named ‘Fuck For Medvedev!’ They literally “stripped off their clothes and engaged in sexual activity in the middle of Moscow’s Biology Museum. This act was carried out for approximately 10 minutes, with photographers present, before they were ejected from the premises.”[4]

Some members of Pussy Riot were previously affiliated with a group known as “Voina,” which translates to “war” in Russian. Voina gained notoriety for a daring act that involved “painting a 60-meter penis on St. Petersburg’s Liteiny Bridge, just in time for it to be raised, mockingly dominating the skyline above the town’s FSB (ex-KGB) headquarters. This audacious piece, titled ‘Dick Captured By the SFB,’ remained elevated for several hours.”[5]

Voina has earned the moniker “Russia’s art terrorists” as dubbed by The Guardian, and other mainstream sources have acclaimed it as “the most renowned political artist group in Russia.”[6] This group was co-founded by two Jewish revolutionaries, Oleg Vasilyev and his wife Natalia Sokol. Voina humorously labeled their pornographic act in the Biological Museum as the “Pre-Election Orgie in Biological Museum.”[7] As The Guardian indirectly suggested, Voina drew its ideological inspiration from the Bolshevik Revolution.[8]

It was almost inevitable that they would resort to promoting literal anarchy to achieve their objectives. In fact, Sokol actively promoted, produced, and participated in works with titles like “Cock in the Ass,” “Leo the Fucknut is Our President!,” “Dick Captured by KGB,” and more.[9]

When posed with the question “What does Pussy Riot hope to achieve?” at the age of only twenty-three, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova responded,

“A revolution in Russia
 I want to dismantle what I perceive as the most significant evils. I’m accomplishing this by putting my beliefs in freedom and feminism into action
 I have deep affection for Russia, but I hold strong disdain for Putin.”24

Tolokonnikova, who pursued the study of philosophy at Moscow State University, couldn’t simply eradicate the notion of subversive revolution from her thoughts…


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