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Jezebel Spirits Thrive When There Is No One Willing To Stand

By Allan Stevo


On a recent flight from Tampa to Atlanta, a woman got in the face of another passenger and yelled at him for not having a mask on. He said he was eating and would not be putting it on. This mask Nazi ultimately struck him in the face and spit on him. He remained seated and stood his ground verbally, though he also unfortunately rolled in the proverbial mud a little, especially when he descended into using foul language with her.

This woman, later identified as Patricia Cornwall, was taken with a spirit of control, a Jezebel spirit, as some people describe it. This is true of many who support the health mandates. In the Bible, Jezebel was the wicked wife of King Ahab. She was allowed to thrive in her wickedness.

Sheep, Hyenas, & Lions 

I have often asked readers to ignore the more sheep-like people, such as your triple masked neighbor. They spook easily, have little along the way of a moral guidestone, have existed in all times, and are not the variable.


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