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Jimmy Carter Asks Person Who Replaced Him As Worst US President To Give His Eulogy


As former President Jimmy Carter lives out his final days at home with his family, he revealed that he wants Joe Biden to deliver his eulogy at his funeral.

100 Percent Fed Up reports- Carter, who is the longest-lived US President at age 98, has suffered a series of health issues in the last ten years, including a cancer diagnosis that he eventually recovered from.

Recent announcements by his family and healthcare providers indicate that Carter has only days left to live.

The Carter Center publicly announced in February that the former President would spend his remaining days in hospice rather than attempting medical interventions to improve his condition.

Biden was an early supporter of President Carter’s, being the first US Senator to endorse Carter, who was something of a political outsider before he won the Democratic nomination and eventually the Presidency.

Biden accidentally revealed that he would be delivering Carter’s eulogy and shared private details about his health during a private Democratic fundraiser.

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