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Joe Biden Congratulates Milwaukee Bucks for Protesting the Shooting of Jacob Blake

By Jose Nino

Last week, President Joe Biden praised the Milwaukee Bucks for taking a firm political stance after the outrage that kicked off following the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin on August 23, 2020.

At the time of the police encounter, Blake was armed with a knife and did not comply with police orders. He tried to enter a vehicle while his two children were seated in the back, which compelled the police officer to take action.

The Bucks are the first NBA team to visit the White House since 2016.

“That’s the power of a team and not just winning a title,” Biden said to the Bucks, according to a Mediaite report. “Last year as a team, you took a stand for justice and peace in the wake of Jacob Blake’s shooting in Kenosha, WI. And you’ve gotten people engaged. It really mattered. I remember calling your coach [and praising that].”

While Trump was in office, the NBA did not bother to do outreach with White House. Arguably the wokest sports league in the country, the NBA has vigorously taken on social justice causes and has challenged politicians like Trump, who they view as “reactionary”, “bigoted”, or “racist”…


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