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John Fetterman Has Another Encounter With Pro-Palestinian Protesters

Matt Vespa
By Matt Vespa 

If you told me that Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) would be the Democrats’ most fervent and unapologetic supporter of Israel, I would have laughed. He won the 2022 election amid severe complications from a near-fatal stroke and then was hospitalized weeks after he was sworn into office. There were doubts he could finish his term, with whispers that maybe his wife would replace him. I think we can put those rumors to bed. Not only has Fetterman regained some of his political mojo, but he’s making leftists irate with his support for law and order, and Israel especially.

Don’t get me wrong: I’ll never support his re-election, but he won, he’s there, and on issues we can work on, I’ll give him a hat tip. The man is a troll master, waving the Israeli flag as pro-terrorist supporters were arrested on Capitol Hill at the outset of the Israel-Hamas War. When these same folks besieged his home in Pennsylvania, he calmly took to the roof, holding an Israeli flag.

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