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Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital Depositions Reveal Terrifying Reality for Moms With Sick Kids


Taking a child to the hospital is fraught with dangers for parents whose children suffer from rare disorders. Instead of receiving compassionate care from inquisitive doctors with a passion for healing, many parents can encounter cold indifference and skepticism that leads to false accusations of child abuse. But none are in more danger of these accusations than mothers.

 PJ Media covered several cases where false allegations by hospitals or DCF/CPS workers tore families apart. Rachel Bruno sued a California children’s hospital and county officials who removed her sons over false allegations and won over $2 million. The outrageous case of Cynthia Abcug, whose child officials removed from her after false allegations of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy and a ginned-up kidnapping plot, revealed the massive efforts state workers would take to stop a mother from advocating for her rights.

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